TYPE: School Board Meeting
DATE: 5/30/2024       TIME: 5:00 PM
LOCATION: Booker T. Reaves Media Center Charlottesville High School 1400 Melbourne Road
Every Learner. Every Day. Everyone.
1.0 Call to Order
1.1 Closed Meeting (4:00 p.m.) Action
1.2 Closed Meeting Certification Action
1.3 Call to Order Info
2.0 Moment of Silence
2.1 Moment of Silence Info
3.0 Pledge of Allegiance
3.1 Pledge of Allegiance Info
4.0 Roll Call of Board Member
4.1 Roll Call of Board Members Info
5.0 Approval of Agenda
5.1 Approval of Proposed Agenda Action
6.0 Comments from Members of the Community
6.1 Comments from Members of the Community Info
6.2 Comments from Students Info
7.0 Student Representative Report Out
7.1 Student Representative Report Info
8.0 Adoption of Consent Agenda Action
8.1 Adoption of Consent Agenda Action
8.2 Personnel Recommendations Action
8.3 Minutes - March 28, 2024 School Board Meeting Action
8.4 Minutes - May 2, 2024 School Board Meeting Action
8.5 Business, Financial, Routine Reports - Renee Hoover Action
8.6 Approval - 2024-2025 School Board Meeting Schedule Action
8.7 Authorization of Signature in Absence of Division Superintendent through June 30, 2025 Action
9.0 Action Items
9.1 Approval - School Resource Officer Model - Dr. Royal A. Gurley, Jr. Action
9.2 Approval - 2023-2024 Title I Application - Stacy Reedal Action
9.3 Approval - 2023-2024 Title II Application - Maria Lewis Action
9.4 Approval - 2023-2024 Title III Application - Dr. Jeannie Pfautz Action
9.5 Approval - 2023-2024 Title IV Application - Patrick Farrell Action
9.6 Approval - 2024-2029 Local Plan for the Gifted - Dr. Anna Isley Action
9.7 Approval - Grading Policy IK: Reporting Student Progress and Grades - Dr. Katina Otey Action
9.8 Approval - CCS Division Literacy Plan - Stacy Reedal Action
10.0 Items for Discussion
10.1 Overview of Grading Expectations - Dr. T. Denise Johnson and Dr. Anna Isley Info
10.2 2024-2025 Policy Updates - Carolyn Swift Info
10.3 Pre-K Summary - Sheila Sparks Info
10.4 Gifted Annual Review 2021-2024 - Dr. Anna Isley Info
10.5 YMCA Update - Kim Powell Info
10.6 CHS 50th Anniversary (Golden Memories) - Dr. T. Denise Johnson Info
11.0 Board Response to Written Reports
11.1 School Board Member Committee Reports - Written Report Info
12.0 Comments from Members of the Community
12.1 Comments from Members of the Community Info
13.0 Comments from the Board
13.1 Board Member Comments Info
14.0 Superintendent's Comments
14.1 Superintendent's Comments Info
15.0 Work Session Wrap Up
15.1 Work Session Wrap-Up - Carolyn Swift Info
16.0 Upcoming Meetings
16.1 Upcoming Meetings Info
17.0 Adjournment
17.1 Adjourn Action
18.0 Items Pulled From Consent Agenda